Sunday, August 19, 2007

The Last Words

"I don't love you"
That's what she said,
And went away,
Out into the night-
Out of sight,
Leaving me helplessly alone,
Alone in my home,
To think of the past;
And forget the trust-
I had on her,
And start my life all over again,
After suffering the immense pain;
Which will never be the same.

Now, as I watch her,
Going out with 'nother boy,
Looking "pseudo" happy,
My insides scream in agony-
For this grand felony,
Friends try to console me
'Coz they don't know the tranquility,
The huge emptyness,
She has left her trace-
Carved into my heart,
Every time it ejects a pulse,
I feel a sudden impulse;
Like an ever-increasing curse!

"What did you get out of this?"
Someday, I wanna ask her,
In establishing your aim-
Of tearing apart two souls,
With the heart of coal,
I could've given you so much,
And, in return, felt your gentle touch
Can you swear you're fine?
By just not being mine?
The answer is negative;
I know you better than you do,
Someday, you'll realise it's true-
I'll remain yours through & through.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This poem is also like your "When You Are An Angel" but, its also unique in it's own way. You keep composing these kind of poems, only the amount of pain you carry in your heart, I've read your other blogs also, altough this is my first comment. Someday, I want you to tell me the name of the girl for whom you're still suffering & keeping alive the hope that she'll be back.

--->Sayak Mukherjee

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