Tuesday, August 21, 2007

A Journey By Boat

(I was traveling by boat on the Bagmoti river. While journeying, I noticed some beautiful scenes which have remained in my mind since then. Also portrayed are some of my beautiful experiences. On the other side of the river is a little forest with mainly some deciduous trees.)

The weeds on the river anchoring the soil below,
No one knows how they had been sown
The black waters resemble some deadly night,
Stretching on enormously till end of sight.
Only the little boats have some lively forms-
Carrying off passengers, defying the wind & storm.

The green fields onside- all watered & tilled,
What bond have they already sealed?
The cows standing lonely like a child,
With ploughs on their back, they really look wild,
The farmers waving their hands to us all-
I could hear their siren call!

The skies above all clad with white & blue,
Black rainy weather doesn’t have a clue,
The birds chirping as they fly by;
I don’t have wings- I greatly sighed!
The clouds smiling, showing all their teeth,
Prepared for battle, like some worthy, ancient fleet!

Far along, the mountains stand in shadows
Spreading before them are eternal meadows.
The sun, with its red ball of fire-
Dominating the sky, attracting admirers,
The cold breeze making the branches creak,
One can hear the distant squirrel’s squeak.

The village women bathing in the river,
Cold water making their bare skins shiver,
Children playing with little balls & toys-
It reminded me of my old days of joy.
The busy carts carrying heavy roads to the mills
Winding their way along, up to the hills.

And as our boat rounded near the shore,
I could feel the excitement rising as before,
Stepping onto the land, I ran towards the woods-
For to me, this material world is of no good!
Thus my journey came to a close
Those exotic moments I just can’t disclose.


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a genius in creativity...
I enjoyed your blog...

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