Have any of you seriously considered what are you doing in this world, working tirelessly & aimlessly for what little bit of gold which eludes most of us? We seem to be eagerly & patiently waiting for the Sun to shine on us, to make our lives happier, but, no, that's the way the world revolves, most men die unhappy. Let me summarize the life of an ordinary man.
After birth, till your late childhood, you would be under the watchful eyes of your parents, not going away from the main stream, not doing anything funky or rash which will harm the reputation, that's quite all right.
Examinations take up a lion's share of our early life, nerve-racking exams, you study hard, remember some, forget the most, in the exams, nail-biting goes on endlessly, your mind straining to remember that minute piece of information which you happened to glance through with the corner of your eye. When finally they do get over, more tension sets in, fear of results & how you've fared compared to others, who was a little better & who was the loser. This carries on until the biggest of them comes into your life.
You sit for your board finals, your family forces or at least pressurizes you to take up a conventional field, a path trodden by flocks of people, secure a good career, get a fat sum of money. Never do the parents tell us, "Son, it's upto you to choose what you wanna be, it's your life & our role has all but ended." Well, not never, but, rarely do they encourage us in taking up a course of our choice, always the traditional courses seem to be lucrative.
Nevertheless, whatever subject you take up in the hope of "excelling", it always turns out to be "the most outrageously tough & the least likeable subject as you progress through the years." A much-awaited degree after 3 or 4 years, and then, another struggle for campusing & getting into a good company with a reasonably good starting salary, or more misery with pursuing higher studies.
Life would seem to have taken a turn towards the good when you marry, but, you soon found out that there is more conspiracy waiting against you. Imagine this: you would toil 10 hours/day, sacrificing your body & soul, your wife & children will enjoy the fruits of your hard work. I would seem, overly selfish, yes I am, I can't imagine someone giving his whole life without cherishing anything of it. That's what you get out of life, after birth, 20 years of following strict rules of your elders, then 30-35 years of monotonous work with fat cheques which you hardly fail to utilise.
Then, the last part of your life is spent in taking care of your grand-children & living at the mercy of your children, if they pity you, you're lucky, if they aren't that sympathetic, you'd have to live the remainder of your days with the pension drawn from your hard-earned salary.
The terminating point of your struggle is the last breath you respire, before death engulfs you, and people shed some perfunctory tears & soon forget the 75-80 years a person spent in this world. Exceptionally rare are those cases & exceptionally lucky are those who live through their works in people's hearts, maybe 1 in a million, the ratio is almost microscopic.
Can you argue with me that I've laid a plain & simple, yet, the most painful truth about life, which you were oblivious of.
Go back to a few thousand years, in the Paleolithic or the Neolithic Age, the life of a Cave Man. What a life! You are born, nothing to force you to do this & that, you roam around aimlessly, pick up the tricks from your father or uncle or elder brother about how to light a fire or hunt down an animal. That's eat. You eat, you sleep, next morning, you wake up to an encouraging sunrise, hunt some more animals, teach your race a new trick you've successfully discovered, the remaining part of the day goes by swiftly. A few more years, you are ready to have that all important feeling about someone namely "love", you're ready to start a family, have a intercourse, give birth to a young, then, slowly experience your child grow up & follow in your footsteps. You die a happy soul, having maintained the continuity of your generation, which is the ultimate purpose.
Also, in those days, people were loved other & showed compassion, not like the half-human, half-robot alienated morons of today. They lived a happy life, thrived on what they had, who needs fancy instruments, automobiles with blinding speed or gargantuan wealth to make one's life prosperous?
Surely, they lead such a wonderful existence, I personally feel, the more we've advanced, the more we have become automated, driven by our sick desires to be on the top & control the world, pushing the concept of brotherhood to the back. A century later, we would be completely mechanical, without any feelings or emotions, we would understand only one word: money.
Then, I'll see how many of you want to live that kind of existence.
Given the chance, I would choose a life of an illiterate human who knows how to enjoy his life, the way God created us, He wanted us to stay like that, otherwise, he would have created us with instruments or tools in our hands, but, we proved to be smart & establish our superiority, we proved ourselves to be the most imprudent all the animals on the Earth!
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Those Glorious Prehistoric Days....!
★●Shadow Stalker●★
11/24/2007 01:32:00 PM
Labels: Lamentations, Random Ideas
Saturday, November 17, 2007
I Still Carry On....
I never understood what people meant by the meaning: "Turning a new leaf", until a few days ago, when a great tragedy struck me, I won't disclose that, just in brief, it was one of those moments when I felt a huge void in my life, as if my soul had been taken away from me.
I was very depressed, disheartened, but, something inside me refused to bend in to the situation, probably the first time it has happened in 20 years, I didn't know I possessed such ferocity to turn around & face the incoming turmoil, which seems like a little joke now, may be, it was the defeat that gave me strength, which solidified my feelings, which taught me to stand tall.
May be, this thing happened in the best interest of me, now, I think, I've changed quite a lot, little by little leaving the past & starting a new life with new goals. The best part: I've managed to seal the past completely, never will I indulge in anything that'll be a reminder of those dark days.
Sometimes, I ask myself, "Is this really me?", I get the answer from within, an emphatic "Yes". I can changed myself, I can be what I always dreamt to be, not fooling around, not chatting around, more reserved & calm & composed than ever.
This is the second phase, I know I have to go a long way in order to fulfill the dreams, but, the process has already started, I won't ever turn back. What's done is done, what's gone is gone.
I'm alive, I've survived the darkest days, I'm not a quitter.
The old "Me" is history, it's now a newer version of the same old soul, a rejuvinated, replenished one, one which will also have some disadvantages, but, those will be overshadowed. Some may not like it, I can't help it.
To someone special: I can dodge your fire & survive, can you dodge mine??
Bangalore, 18:48 IST.
★●Shadow Stalker●★
11/17/2007 06:32:00 PM
Labels: Real Life, The Blogger Himself
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