You're the one who gives me strength when I feel let down & alone,
You're the one who listens to me when my words bearly come out,
You're the one who takes my hand & guides me to my home,
You're the one who soothes me down when I scream & shout.
You're the one who writes to me when the pages are empty,
You're the one who sings to me when the sky above is grey,
You're the one who kisses my head & loves me a plenty,
You're the one who cares for me & you're the one who prays.
You're the one who resides in my heart,
You're the one whose name is written with me,
You're the one soul with whom I'll never part,
I am yours & forever will be.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
★●Shadow Stalker●★
9/29/2007 02:16:00 AM
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Modern Day Leaders
As it should be, leaders should be idols, role models for the others to follow. They should set examples that others can copy. We had such great leaders like Lincoln, George Washington, Nehru etc. They loved their people & in turn, people loved them. They worked for the welfare of their people.
But look at the modern day leaders, the presidents & the prime ministers. They are more inclined on exercising their powers, asserting their hold on other weaker countries, trying to intimidate & conquer them. Whenever they find their ways are not being followed, they want to set hell upon the poor, hapless countries. And some other powers also join them, who have the distinction of wagging their tails like dogs, obediently following the superior power.
Shouldn't we do something to change this situation? We can all do something, maybe protest or revolt, because, it is for our own good.
After all, what has happened to these countries, may someday happen to us too, when a greater power than our country emerges.
★●Shadow Stalker●★
9/27/2007 01:06:00 PM
Labels: Curse Of Mankind
Don't Know Why....
Well, I have visited many places. I like travelling which has taken me to different corners of the world. But, what I would like to share with you is that, especially in the USA & UK, Indians don't get what they deserve. I mean, there is still an inborn feeling, maybe, in the Britishers that as they've ruled us for over 100 years, they are superior to us, they are still better than us, although we surpass them in many quarters. The racial discrimination is very much prevalent too in America. We, Indians, often don't find jobs even if we've have the best qualification, & there are also instances that Indians have been threatened by their colleagues to leave the job. I just don't get it. I mean, we, are after all, humans, but, still in this modern era, there exists difference between the black & whites. I don't know if my article will be well-taken by all of you, but, what I've said is the truth. All I ask is that we should be given due respect & honored where we deserve it.
★●Shadow Stalker●★
9/27/2007 02:31:00 AM
Labels: Bitter Experiences
Nature Turning Hostile
Mother Nature, these two words used to mean a lot to us, back when we were in the 19th century, we used to care for Her, respect Her, protect Her. Fast forward to the 21st century, & we are digging a grave for Nature, & also probably for ourselves. Increased pollution levels, air, water, sound pollutions all are slowly contributing to the slow destruction of this world, this lovely planet. We smoke, emissions from automobiles like the harmful Carbon Monoxide, dangerous amounts of harmful gases like SO2, NO2 etc. are all the responsibility mankind has to take for its slow elimination. We are dumping wastes, radioactive subtances incessantly into rivers & seas & oceans, doing underwater nuclear testing, but, have we ever thought that all these will come to haunt us in the future if we don't take immdeiate action? Perhaps, we have already paid a heavy price for our carelessness. The disastrous tsunami of 26th December, 2004, which wiped out thousands across countries of south-eastern asia & damaged these areas beyond repair, is an example. Next comes the earthquakes, floods, repeated tsunamis, the hurricanes in the eastern coast of the United States. So many calamities have never been recorded in such a short span of time in the history of this planet. Surely, no one can deny that mankind has played the leading role in bringing about these disasters. On top of that is the global warming, with the temperature of the Earth constantly at a rise, with the scientists & environmentalists warning that by the end of this century, the temperature would rise by 5 degrees Celsius. This is the time for us to think, to re-consider our ways, to stop polluting the Earth anymore. We are posing a threat to our own existence, we are putting the lives of our children in jeopardy. Its left to us to decide if we should take action now, or learn the hard way, the outcome of which won't be pretty.
★●Shadow Stalker●★
9/27/2007 02:18:00 AM
Labels: Curse Of Mankind
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Anger Is My Middle Name
People say “anger” runs in my veins,
And, I try, but, fail to differ with them;
This horrible trait of mine just can’t be tamed-
The resulting consequence always turns out to be “shame”.
For oft, I, in a fit of rage
Throw things, shattering away down on the floor
Scream, shout, yell, deafening every ear-
Till my vocal chord turns sore!
My mother watches in vain, and cries
Efforts go wasted how hard she tries
‘Coz this monster sees “red” in his eyes
As the anger inside me takes a steep rise,
No one can help, but, compromise.
For oft, I, in a rush of hot blood
Slap my girl-friend & abuse her,
Tell her our relation is off-
She can go away miserably & suffer;
Her eyes get inundated with tears,
Every time she realises her worst fear,
Though she endeavours to come closer, still near
She cannot dissolve the final solid frontier.
This beast doesn’t have a clue the pain she has to bear!
For oft, I, in a sprout of anger
Tend to break off all relations with my friends,
Behave as if I never knew they existed-
Bringing all bonds of love to a virtual end.
They give up all hope, & accept the fact with a sigh-
That I’m beyond repair-they surely can’t deny,
In despair, they bid me a final “good-bye”,
They pray to God, as their sympathy for me magnifies
As this undefeated Anger inside me will never die!
★●Shadow Stalker●★
9/23/2007 11:09:00 PM
Labels: Lamentations, Poetry, Real Life, The Blogger Himself
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